Thursday, June 21, 2007

First Contact

I got an account on twitter last night. The account setup options were very similar to most interactive applications. You standard profile with picture.

After completing the set up there is a prompt that ask you "What are you doing"?

My first reaction is that I was thinking, which is somethings that I would do when posed with such a question-- you would think about what you were doing.

One apparent difference that most social networking websites is the apparent international appeal of this site; the public timeline, which updates every four minutes, populated with numerous languages.

As I engaged in more thwating ( my terminology for posting on twitter) I wanted became interested in how to translate the thwats that were in a foreign language.

The choice of prof
ile pictures tended to fall into categories of people with standard headshot pictures, others where of twits ( my terminology for posters) in engaged in an activity while being photograph- skateboarding, playing an instrument- and there were also ones similar to my picture that are more like avatar pictures. This is my picture below:

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